Toplumun Temeli: Güçlü Aileler
Aile İçin Sağlıklı Bir Gelecek İnşa Ediyoruz
Türkiye Söz Konusu Aile Birliği 2018 yılında faaliyetlerine Dernek Başkanı Serkan GÜRSOY öncülüğünde başlayarak,
Devlet kurumları ile resmi olarak çalışmalar yapmak,
Siyasi Partilerle çalışmalar Yapmak,
Toplumsal Farkındalık için Sosyal medya calısmaları (Haftalık Twetter sohbet odası, Tüm sosyal medya Facebook, tweetter, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, hesaplarından yazılı, görsel ve video yayınları yaptık.
Basın açıklamaları organizasyonları yaptık.
İmza Kampanyaları düzenledik. Cimer çalışmaları yaptık. Mağdurlara hukuki ve psikolojik destekler verdik. Miting yürüyüş ve Gösterilerde bulunduk.
Aileme Dokunma
My methods
Humanistic therapy
In humanistic therapy, the main focus is on a person's capacity to make rational choices and develop.
Cognitive therapy
In cognitive therapy, the focus is on what people think rather than what they do.
In psychoanalysis, we focus on changing problematic behaviors by understanding the unconscious meanings and motivations behind them.
Behavior therapy
In behavior therapy, the main focus is on learning's role in developing both normal and abnormal behaviors.
Individual therapy
Individual psychotherapy helps you to learn about yourself. We work through behavioral, communicational, thought and relational patterns.
$ 30 per hour
Couples counseling
Relationship therapy helps people to communicate their feelings and needs to each other without fear of being criticized or attacked.
$ 40 per hour
Doloress K.
Therapy has really helped me overcome some past trauma I had been keeping under a lid for a long time. Now, I feel happier and more confident in my life, and feel like I can walk with my head held high.
Anthony M.
Coming from a competitive sports background, the injury that ended up making me give up my career was a hard blow. With therapy, I was able to start building my identity around other things than just sport.
Happy clients
Have any questions?
If you have any questions about the therapies, feel free to contact us.
Tools for wellbeing
Ester S. Dossenbach, therapist
My office
3721 Single Street
Quincy, MA 02169